The Sunrise NYC Hub has an organizational model that relies on the participation of our members to succeed. Whether it’s five minutes a week or more than 40 hours, you’re equally a member and we depend on you. We also practice mentorship by shepherding members into leadership roles and providing them with skills and tools to become effective organizers.
When everybody actively plugs in and gives what they can, our movement thrives and we are able to grow our numbers, power, and influence.
Core Teams
Manages the political endorsement process for the hub, coordinates with candidate’s campaigns
Researches and writes legislation to give to our endorsed candidates to introduce
Hosts fundraising events for Sunrise NYC
Organizes direct actions and protests
Creates social media content, video and blog content
Defines campaign narrative and Sunrise NYC’s brand
Keeps the pressure on state & local politicians to enact change
Recruits new members through outreach events
Promotes big upcoming actions through community outreach
Hosts Sunrise onboarding trainings
Runs skill-building training for hub members
Support digital infrastructure such as website creation and digital tools
Technical projects such as creating a legislative tracker for tracking and engaging with NY climate bills